Heart Health. The human heart is a truly incredible mechanism designed to operate at an astounding efficiency for a lifetime. Immensely complex and still a mystery to many, the heart is a testament to the remarkable intricacy and power the human body possesses. It is the lifeline, the engine of human existence, an instrument so magnificent, its presence and health is often taken for granted and not attended to. In youth many live oblivious and carefree, without concern for this vital organ, as everything appears to be operating flawlessly. As one ages, attentive care and diligent maintenance is crucial, with heart disease and irregularity beginning to present greater risk. At Bonaventure Senior Living, caring, knowledgeable experts work to help residents build and maintain the healthiest heart possible. Through exercise, proper diet, and a variety of prudent precautions, seniors can live and thrive to their full potential, enjoying the years that lie ahead. Bonaventure Senior Living
The heart is a muscle, and just like any other muscle it needs to be used and trained consistently to function properly. By exercising daily the heart is strengthened, made healthier by aerobic activities. At Bonaventure Senior Living, experienced specialists guide residents through possible activities, providing invaluable health benefits while also serving as a leisurely, pleasing experience. All too the often the elderly disregard physical activity, accelerating the deterioration of their body’s capabilities and health. Dedication to staying active is imperative and will go great lengths in preserving and enhancing the heart’s functionality and effectiveness.
Equally important in maintaining proper physical and cardiac conditioning is the diet one consumes. Excess weight places an unhealthy burden on the heart. Extra abdominal fat often results in a variety of ailments, from elevated blood pressure to inflamed arteries. Limiting portion sizes is crucial, but far from the only dietary restriction necessary. Increasing dietary fiber, eating healthy fats, and reducing sodium intake facilitates efficiency and strength, while helping prevent several nutritional related diseases.
In addition to consistent exercise and balanced dieting, seniors must abstain from certain habits detrimental to their health. Smoking depletes the system’s oxygen supply increasing the risk of heart disease. Along with smoking, excess or binge drinking can also prove dangerous, especially for seniors with a history of heart troubles. With age the heart has greater difficulty dealing with stress, leading the staff at Bonaventure Senior Living to establish a relaxing, stress free environment catered to resident’s desires. Also, personnel make sure correct, effective medications are supplied to meet individual necessities, while remaining careful not to over-prescribing.
Senior citizens of today are able to live life with vigor unmatched in history. Advances in medical, exercise, and nutritional sciences provide greater opportunities to a multitude of elderly. At Bonaventure Senior Living, experienced professionals understand the crucial role the healthy human heart plays in a passionate, productive, joyful life. Through proper dieting, consistent physical activity, and an avoidance of harmful habits, residents at Bonaventure strengthen and preserve their hearts, leading to a greater and fuller life than otherwise possible.
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